Tuesday, 10 June 2014

| Audio Production: BIT DEGRADATION

As I've mentioned before, Recently produced a new bundle of sounds generated around Decay but I wanted to comment on a few things which made me create this final collection of noise for my final major project. I've already tried letting the audio simply play as I added the images into my synthesizer. Then I added audio FX to change the sounds and start to create more of a mood like to make it sound more aggressive or slightly softer, an example of one of my more aggressive pieces would be worker bees, a very early soundtrack. After that there was then the live performance type soundtracks which I recorded whilst I manipulated sound with the phaser dials and also then rearranging the audio, working on composition, which eventually created Melting Dreamscapes. Now was the time to rework my early tracks kind of like what I did with my 2D based collage work, reusing materials, making new forms and thats what created this album.

In some respects, this is also one of my favourite albums so far next to Candy Coated Nightmares (most of these names are unconnected with the genre of the project, they just seemed to fit what I heard) mainly due to the types of sounds being produced. They're quite wacky and fun which is a pleasant change from previous audio files and has this nice contrast between the sounds being heard and what the music is suppose to represent. Its really odd to think that Decay can be seen as something fun and wacky, similar to observing bubbles as they unravel themselves and disappear into thin air.

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